Let's Reveal A Better You!

Let's Reveal A Better You!


Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's a Fad, Fad, Fad, Fad World!

Don't succumb to fads.  Just don't do it.  You see them coming like a freight train.  Suddenly all the 'kids' start wearing, let's say, tie-dyed pants.  You see them Everywhere.  Wisely at first, all you can think is 'Yuck! Those look awful! Why do they wear those?' But brains are tricky things and after just a few months of this visual overload, your brain apparently slides sideways and shifts gears, and what-do-you-know, those pants don't look so bad.  Then, those pants start to look good...you know, if you got the right color for you. So you head down to the mall and search for the perfect tie-dyed wonders for your posterior and thighs.  Not surprisingly, you eventually Do find those things in your favorite color.  You slide them up and over your womanly curves.  You view yourself from every angle and smile with delight at how 'hip' and 'cool' you look (okay, that already defines you as NOT 'hip & cool').  Ooooo.  You are getting younger by the second.   You make your way to the checkout counter and against your better judgment just a few months ago, you actually purchase the latest fad for your very own.  Aww. 

Now what do you do with them?  You really can't wear them to church because they are too 'casual' and you are supposed to be more respectful of church; you can't wear them to the PTA because they really are too 'young' and someone might snicker; you can't wear them to work because the actual young adults are wearing them - and again you face that snicker issue; you can't wear them to where you volunteer because you don't want to appear to have fallen into the Fad trap; you can't wear them---wait, now they are out-dated and if you wear them everyone will know you are behind the curve.  Bother.  Well, you can wear them to bed, while you clean house, work in the yard (as long as nobody sees you), slop the hogs, you get the idea.

It's a brain thing. Eventually, your brain will reverse gears and you will see how ridiculous it was to purchase those things in the first place.  You won't want to put them on your body.  You won't even wear them to bed.  You will finally donate them somewhere.  tsk, tsk. Why waste your money in the first place?  Do you have that much disposable income?  If you see the freight train coming, move to another track and pass it by.  Do not turn your head and marvel at it's speed and pretty colors.  Do not let your brain tell you it is a good thing when you KNOW in your heart it is not.  Fads all end up the same. Fads fade fast. Don't let some crazed designer/decorator/hair dresser convince you in person or on tv, that a fad is 'you'!  You are smarter than that. No one is going to say, 'Hey, why didn't you get those tie-dyed pants everyone else got?' I promise they won't ask that question. Grab your common sense, keep your wallet closed and go out and look marvelous every day.

That's why we are here - to make you look better each time you step out of your abode!  Let me know how we're doing.

God bless you richly.  I know that He has blessed me!

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