Let's Reveal A Better You!

Let's Reveal A Better You!


Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Help! Help! Damage Control!

We talked previously about getting only one chance to make a first impression.  What if you messed that up?  What if you have already made your first impression and you, um, well, um, left quite a mc-nasty taste in the minds of those you viewed you?  NOW what do you do?  Damage control.  I will not sugar-coat this:  It is not always easy to undo what you ave set in someone's eyeballs.

Remember the 'cool' kids at school - the ones who always had it together.  Then there were the 'geeks' who used their brainpower to survive.  Those 'kickers' who could rock some boots and jeans.  What about the 'band nerds' who really did enjoy marching all over the football field.  The 'jocks' who actually knew what to do on a football field.  The 'goths' who went about always looking morose.  The 'theater' kids who knew that somehow their part in the I Act play would propel them to Hollywood.  There are so many more cliques - too many to list.  But, no matter how old you are, I am sure you can vividly recall where you fit in the school dynamics.  Maybe you fit in the 'uncategorized' - none of the above.  The thing is, everyone else who went to school with you - they also remember where you fit in the school dynamics.  Ouch - if you didn't fall into one of the really good groups.  And that was Years ago.  People remember.  So they will also remember that first impression you made (and will probably mentally categorize you).  It's painful, but true.  Are they going to categorize you as 'sloppy, lazy, indifferent'?

In this day of tough job competition, school competition, work competition, Life competition - you HAVE to put your best out there.  And while your best starts from the inside and works out, your appearance is what folks get first (they do in fact see you across the room, in the hall, at a table, in the store, etc.)

Too many people just don't seem to care.  WHY?  Do you want to seem 'sloppy, lazy, indifferent'?  Surely not. (I said this with a very quizzical face - because I am certain you want better).  Make an effort in your appearance.  Get up in the morning and start your day determined to be your best.  Put on clothes that Fit; clothes that Don't show your undies; clothes that are Not torn, dirty, stained or 'pilled' (pilling is just gross - always looks like bugs are leaving things on your apparel); clothes that don't stop at the fattest part of your calf; clothes that are meant to be worn in public (not your sleep shorts with hearts on them).  That is a very good start. In this day of technology - someone probably has a photo of you while you are Not at your best and it has been posted for all the world to see.  Let's change that.  Every day try to impress someone (let's pick YOU).  If YOU know you have put forth effort and followed those rules above - you will smile more and that will definitely make a better impression on the world!  Yea you!

Don't suffer when help is available.  Contact me and we'll improve things immediately.

God bless you richly.  I know that He has blessed me!

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