Let's Reveal A Better You!

Let's Reveal A Better You!


Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Woe is Me! I Am Not Shaped Like Barbie!

What is the most commonly repeated refrain by women when they are shopping for clothes?  "Nothing fits right!  My (circle one - or more, if this is you) rear/boobs/belly/arms/thighs/calves/neck/shoulders/feet are too BIG  - or too small!"  This is wailed in a somewhat whiny tone.  It's not just you.  Nope.  It is everyone.  I hear it from dressing rooms all over.  A recent article about a very famous singer (I won't name names since that is not what this blog is about), but her name starts with an "R".  She has a gorgeous figure.  What was the article about?  Her body shape woes!!  What?  Where?  Her toes?  We all have shape issues.  Some are real.  Some are imagined.  Some can be fixed.  Some cannot.  So, what do you do about it?  You WORK with what you have.  As much as I'd like to, no fairy godmother, or Closet Fairy is going to waive a little wand and your body issues will morph immediately to your dream shape.  You can exercise and 'reshape' yourself, but it won't happen in the next 15 minutes.  So you dress what you have - and LIKE it. (stated very emphatically!)

There is not a body issue (I don't like to say flaw, because that is a misnomer - it is simply an issue) that cannot be dealt with. First - be realistic about who you are.  If you weigh in around 200 lbs, there is nothing that will make you look like you are a waif.  So what?  You are not a waif.  Don't try to be one or dress like one.  Dress the best for You.  Who you are now.  Each 200 lb gal is not shaped the same either.  Some have bosoms that could qualify as deadly weapons and some gals have their weight in their lower half.  You are not going to find a minimizing bra anywhere that will make you look like a size C cup or find a spanx that will slim your thighs to matchsticks.  Again - so what?  Own what you have and don't pretend you can make it disappear.  You must wear clothing to appear in polite society - so dress fabulously regardless of your shape.

Do I have issues?  Sure.  I have an extra-extra long waist. Most jackets hit me very wrong if they are 'fitted' or 'tapered' since they nip in about two inches above my waist thus making their 'hip' area far above mine.  The results:  it appears that I have TWO sets of hips!  No one needs two sets of hips.  No one.  This also means that the vast majority of tops are shaped for female hips that are way too high for my hips.  The results:  Many shirts just make me look pregnant.  Again - not a good look for me.  This also means that I have difficulty finding dresses (and I Like dresses a lot).  Have you noticed how many skirts and 'stretchy' or 'knit' tops I use?  That is how I resolve a lot of my clothing problems.  I have also reached that age where middle-age spread seems to spread out everywhere.  But - 'you don't look like it' (I have heard this many times).  Why do you think that is?  Because I work with what I have.  I dress to accommodate my changing figure and camouflage outfit problems.  What are your issues? You can dress around them.

Since every figure is different, there is no One magic answer.  Besides - do you want just One answer?  Then everyone would dress the same.  Yuck.  You are a fabulous You.  Dress You.  You can find a host of sites and articles that will essentially tell you the same thing about 'basic' rules.  They are mostly correct.  However, there are a lot of books out there for review that were written by goobers without a clue. I will list my personal reviews of some books and magazines in a later blog.  For now, just start with some of my previous articles.  Let's start with your top area (follow this link): May I Compliment You On Your Stunning Neckline?  Now, let's go through your closet and find stuff: But I Want a Trend!

Ladies - you are fabulous just the way you are shaped Right Now.  Dress accordingly.  That is what we are here for - to help you be the absolute best you can be now and tomorrow.

God bless you richly.  I know that He has blessed me.

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