Let's Reveal A Better You!

Let's Reveal A Better You!


Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

She said What?

Have you ever been insulted in one of those back-handed ways?  Where the people weren't trying to insult you, but that was the complete result?  I have.  Repeatedly.  It seems that somehow people just feel comfortable exhibiting their Tourette's tendencies if it involves me.  Oh well.

Do you remember, back in the late eighties and early nineties when women of all shapes and sizes went to have their 'colors' read?  You know, a 'consultant' laid all of these different swathes of fabric under your neck and across your chest to determine what 'season' you were.  You had an option of the four - spring, summer, fall, winter.  This test established which colors were the most flattering on you.  At the conclusion of this wonderful experience, you would receive a small booklet with your 'best' colors and then you could head to the mall and never, ever again pick the 'wrong color' for you!  How great!  You should avoid all of the other colors as they didn't bring out your 'best'.  If it wasn't in your color swatch - ignore it completely.  Imagine how easy that made things for people (if you could find your specific color of red, blue, green, etc). 

So, like many women who wanted to make sure I stayed stylish, I went to have my colors done in 1992 (I still remember the name of the consultant).  After sitting patiently while the very pretty specialist laid out all of the colors from each season against my skin - she said "Hmmm."  Then she did the procedure over again. Then again.  Finally (here comes the insult) she said, "I have never had this happen.  You have No good colors."  What??!! She said it quite calmly and dead-panned in spite of the fact that this just hadn't happened to her before: that I had no good colors. It never occurred to her that she had just left me in a daze.  There was nothing that looked good on me - nothing.  There was no way in the world I could ever look good!  How disheartening.  How jaw-dropping.  How insulting that she would say it out loud in front of me! Um - now what?  What were my alternatives?  She suggested that I "just do the best you can". (Not joking).  I remember walking quite shell-shocked to my car.  Where I cried.  How do you resolve the fact that Nothing looks flattering on you?  There is not a single color or season or tone that works for you.  You are without hope to ever look outstanding.  I let that sink in.

Then I took action.  If this was my fate, I decided to look at things from a completely different perspective.  They were wrong.  I didn't have 'best' color/season because they were all wonderful.  They all looked fabulous, that's why she couldn't find one that was better than the others.  My whole attitude changed and I promise the world took notice. Now, I KNEW that without a doubt I could look fantastic.  Period. How dare anyone say that there was no way I could look good.  I could.  You can.  No matter how pitiful, unattractive, disheveled, sloppy you feel (or worse, people tell you) - you CAN look great.  You can be marvelous in spite of them.  There is something that you can do.  But first, it has to start with You and your attitude - internally.  When you are determined to look good, you will.  You may need help getting there - but it is absolutely possible to walk out your door so that the world takes notice in a positive way. If you need help, then contact me and we will make you fabulous. There is hope. 

God bless you richly.  I know that He has blessed me.

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