That is correct, you only get to make ONE first impression. I am currently on a trip with my hubby and he made the comment that no matter where I was, I would be the best dressed female there. (Okay, he is somewhat prejudiced. But, isn't that sweet!)
However, he really wasn't kidding. When we arrived at the airport - we were Stunned at the scene our eyeballs were treated to. It is fairly easy to recognize true, international travelers. They are very often relaxed, dressed in head to toe black with backpacks larger than themselves, hair disheveled in an 'on purpose' manner and sunglasses perched atop their disheveled heads. But oh those American traveling females!! Flip-flops, baggy shorts (or too-short shorts), sloppy, uncombed/dirty hair, forgot to put on real clothes, harried looking!
When we arrived at our destination, things did not change. When you walk down the aisle of any establishment, people see you. Some watch you. Some stare. Some gape open-mouthed in disbelief if you have wandered about in your jammies. Some smile. Some shake their heads. Some make the 'eeeww' face. But none the less, they see you and they respond. This is the first impression you leave with the world . I know, I know "but I'll never see these people again" you whine while wearing your SpongeBob flannels. Does that really matter? Is that your requirement to put some care into your appearance? That you might have a repeat sighting? Gracious! I KNOW you like yourself more than that!
I had people stop me to say how cute my jewelry or my skirt was. I don't wish to be the cause of anyone's "GROSS! That was UGLY!" face contortion. And neither do you. It is a far better feeling to know you are the one who put a smile on that face. If you put effort into yourself, you Will feel better, you Will walk a bit lighter, you Will make a better impression. Yup, only a moment to make a first impression.
Make your First Impression matter. Make it count for something! Make people enjoy the view!
God bless you richly! I know that He has blessed me!
Let's Reveal A Better You!
Let's Reveal A Better You!
Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.
Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
“I see Paris, I see France, I see…”
“I see Paris, I see France, I see…”
Yes, we have all heard it. But why, oh why, do I see your underpants? There is a reason they are called underpants, underwear, undergarments, undies – it means “under”. Undies constitute a whole range of things, but if it is meant as foundation wear to cover your lady parts – then ‘under’ is where it belongs. We are going to concentrate on your upper lady parts in this installment.
I saw a show once where a young woman was searching for an outfit for a job interview. The “fashion expert” dressed her as if she were on a sitcom. Topping things off, the ‘expert’ put her in a spaghetti-strap top that fully exposed her bra straps. The ‘expert’ then said, “That’s okay – that’s acceptable style now.” Um, no it’s not. Did the lady get the job? Shockingly, No! Perhaps it was because she showed up with her underwear hanging out.
Would you show up for an interview wearing a see-through top, for all the world to see your pretty pink and blue flowered magic push-up wonder-bra? No, of course not. Why? Because: (Pick one or more) 1. It’s ridiculous looking. 2. You do not want to advertise that you utilize a magic push-up wonder-bra. 3. The potential employer would probably not appreciate it. 4. The other ladies in the workplace definitely would not appreciate it (can you hear murmuring and/or snickering at the water cooler – it’s about you). 5. It is not professional / sensible / classy / modest / attractive / put-together. 6. You will Not get the job. It makes you look: 1. Cheap. 2. Un-couth. 3. Un-professional. 4. Immature. 5. Tacky. 6. Like a tart. Chances are, you are not a tart or a cast member of a sitcom. And chances are that you have some sort of common sense. That is a Great starting point.
I like common sense. It solves so many problems! 1. If your top is see-through, then you Must wear a camisole to cover whatever is holding those lady parts. The cami then looks like it is part of the sheer top. 2. If your top is a spaghetti strap, do not let your bra straps hang around outside. We have all stood in line behind some teenager whose straps are shouting “look at me”. Unfortunately, most straps tend to be grungy, faded, dirty looking, stretched out – nasty. A little lace shrug or a cute bolero really takes an outfit to a ‘finished’ look. Because, honestly, were you ‘finished’ with your undies exposed? 3. Yes, you can wear a strapless bra. I don’t favor them because I see too many gals yanking up on them so important body parts don’t fall out. It is never pretty to see a woman squirming around whilst tugging at the top of a strapless bra. It is just a much better, and safer, look if you have a little coverlet so you don’t have to worry about where your lady parts are migrating.
No matter how pretty your underwear might be, I don’t need to see it. Neither does a stranger walking down the street, the teenage boy next door, or the Mother of the teenage boy next door (not to mention your sweet Grandparents who Really don’t want to see it!) So, take your good common sense and present yourself as a 'finished' fashion plate every day.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God Bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Yes, we have all heard it. But why, oh why, do I see your underpants? There is a reason they are called underpants, underwear, undergarments, undies – it means “under”. Undies constitute a whole range of things, but if it is meant as foundation wear to cover your lady parts – then ‘under’ is where it belongs. We are going to concentrate on your upper lady parts in this installment.
I saw a show once where a young woman was searching for an outfit for a job interview. The “fashion expert” dressed her as if she were on a sitcom. Topping things off, the ‘expert’ put her in a spaghetti-strap top that fully exposed her bra straps. The ‘expert’ then said, “That’s okay – that’s acceptable style now.” Um, no it’s not. Did the lady get the job? Shockingly, No! Perhaps it was because she showed up with her underwear hanging out.
Would you show up for an interview wearing a see-through top, for all the world to see your pretty pink and blue flowered magic push-up wonder-bra? No, of course not. Why? Because: (Pick one or more) 1. It’s ridiculous looking. 2. You do not want to advertise that you utilize a magic push-up wonder-bra. 3. The potential employer would probably not appreciate it. 4. The other ladies in the workplace definitely would not appreciate it (can you hear murmuring and/or snickering at the water cooler – it’s about you). 5. It is not professional / sensible / classy / modest / attractive / put-together. 6. You will Not get the job. It makes you look: 1. Cheap. 2. Un-couth. 3. Un-professional. 4. Immature. 5. Tacky. 6. Like a tart. Chances are, you are not a tart or a cast member of a sitcom. And chances are that you have some sort of common sense. That is a Great starting point.
I like common sense. It solves so many problems! 1. If your top is see-through, then you Must wear a camisole to cover whatever is holding those lady parts. The cami then looks like it is part of the sheer top. 2. If your top is a spaghetti strap, do not let your bra straps hang around outside. We have all stood in line behind some teenager whose straps are shouting “look at me”. Unfortunately, most straps tend to be grungy, faded, dirty looking, stretched out – nasty. A little lace shrug or a cute bolero really takes an outfit to a ‘finished’ look. Because, honestly, were you ‘finished’ with your undies exposed? 3. Yes, you can wear a strapless bra. I don’t favor them because I see too many gals yanking up on them so important body parts don’t fall out. It is never pretty to see a woman squirming around whilst tugging at the top of a strapless bra. It is just a much better, and safer, look if you have a little coverlet so you don’t have to worry about where your lady parts are migrating.
No matter how pretty your underwear might be, I don’t need to see it. Neither does a stranger walking down the street, the teenage boy next door, or the Mother of the teenage boy next door (not to mention your sweet Grandparents who Really don’t want to see it!) So, take your good common sense and present yourself as a 'finished' fashion plate every day.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God Bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Are those your gorgeous gams?
Why is it that women are not quite satisfied with where they are physically? “I need to lose weight / I wish I were taller / I’m too tall for things to fit / My belly pooches out / My legs are too short / My boobs are too big…” Today we will talk about those legs.
There is a fine line between seriously bad legs and truly great legs. That line is at the fattest part of your calf.
Several years ago, a sweet relative noted, “You have really good legs – for someone your age.” We will completely ignore that last bit, and concentrate on the ‘Really good legs’ part. Actually, they are pretty decent looking – I personally had nothing to do with it – they are my grandmother’s Native American Indian legs. However, I could do them a serious injustice if I chose to ignore one of the Basic Rules I referred to last week.
Take any set of legs attached to any woman, and put an article of clothing on them that stops at the fattest part of their calf and you will have effectively added a good 7 – 10 pounds to their appearance. Yuck. (This should be said with an icky face.) Wasn’t losing weight one of those “issues” mentioned earlier? Why on earth would you purposely look heavier when you can prevent it? It isn’t completely your fault (because you buy what is available) but if you own a mirror, then you can take at least part of the blame.
The biggest violators? Capri pants. You look at yourself from the front or turn and look at your rump and think, “these are great!” But the rest of the world gets a full view of you from head to toe and thinks something a bit different. Weren’t you taller last week? Did you eat too many donuts? When did you get cankles? When the chubbiest part of your leg is bi-sected, you definitely look stumpy. Stumpy! Not a word you want used to describe any part of you.
What to do, what to do? Simple. Fold the cuff of the capri up one or two hem lengths. Stitch, iron, or fabric glue in place. Move that cuff so you can see the beginning curve of your calf. If you prefer, add a bit of lace (Not ruffle) to the hem and make the capri a bit longer to show the sleekness of your lower leg. Whatever you do – adjust that cuff line. Did you say you owned a mirror? Well then, claim your cuff-line mistake and make the correction. It will make you taller and thinner instantly….without sacrificing that whipped-cream-covered-chocolate-and-raspberry-filled-confection on the menu. Yes, indeed, you are more amazing by the minute.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
There is a fine line between seriously bad legs and truly great legs. That line is at the fattest part of your calf.
Several years ago, a sweet relative noted, “You have really good legs – for someone your age.” We will completely ignore that last bit, and concentrate on the ‘Really good legs’ part. Actually, they are pretty decent looking – I personally had nothing to do with it – they are my grandmother’s Native American Indian legs. However, I could do them a serious injustice if I chose to ignore one of the Basic Rules I referred to last week.
Take any set of legs attached to any woman, and put an article of clothing on them that stops at the fattest part of their calf and you will have effectively added a good 7 – 10 pounds to their appearance. Yuck. (This should be said with an icky face.) Wasn’t losing weight one of those “issues” mentioned earlier? Why on earth would you purposely look heavier when you can prevent it? It isn’t completely your fault (because you buy what is available) but if you own a mirror, then you can take at least part of the blame.
The biggest violators? Capri pants. You look at yourself from the front or turn and look at your rump and think, “these are great!” But the rest of the world gets a full view of you from head to toe and thinks something a bit different. Weren’t you taller last week? Did you eat too many donuts? When did you get cankles? When the chubbiest part of your leg is bi-sected, you definitely look stumpy. Stumpy! Not a word you want used to describe any part of you.
What to do, what to do? Simple. Fold the cuff of the capri up one or two hem lengths. Stitch, iron, or fabric glue in place. Move that cuff so you can see the beginning curve of your calf. If you prefer, add a bit of lace (Not ruffle) to the hem and make the capri a bit longer to show the sleekness of your lower leg. Whatever you do – adjust that cuff line. Did you say you owned a mirror? Well then, claim your cuff-line mistake and make the correction. It will make you taller and thinner instantly….without sacrificing that whipped-cream-covered-chocolate-and-raspberry-filled-confection on the menu. Yes, indeed, you are more amazing by the minute.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Madame, your sleeves are marvelous!
While designers are supposed to know what they are doing – sometimes you have to wonder. Jackets for woman come in all shapes and sizes. You have fitted, boxy, boyfriend cut, tapered, long line, cropped, bolero, slouchy (yes, that is a shape), button front, double-breasted, and many more.
Admittedly, there are some women who just look great in absolutely everything. But, that is not the majority (read: me and probably you). I have so many gals tell me, “I just don’t know what to wear that looks good”. Usually, this is followed by tales of woe about their figure flaws. Piddle-posh. EVERYONE can look great. I promise. There are just a few rules that lowly non-perfect people like us need to follow (okay, some need to follow a few extra rules). But there are indeed some standard rules that apply to everybody.
Let’s take that jacket for instance. People typically worry a lot about the fit on the body. They forget about those sleeves. They suppose that if they don’t have upper arm restriction, things are fine. Not quite. In the 80’s, jacket sleeves took on a life of their own with shoulder pads the size of line-backer padding and sleeves comfy enough to roll from the cuff to the armpit. When we look back at those jackets they are face-squashing ugly. We wouldn’t repeat that boo-boo now that we have photos to prove how awful they were. So, we make new mistakes.
Mistake #1: The Box. I don’t know a single (or married) woman, who Wants to look like a box. However, if you take a perfectly acceptable jacket that has little or no tapering and the sleeves are the same length as the jacket – you get a big fat box. Chances are you own such a jacket. Why? Because designers continue to make them. But you do not have to be a square! There is an easy fix to this dilemma. Roll the cuff of the sleeves. You don’t have to make a drastic roll, but get the cuff of the sleeves away from the hem of the jacket. Voila! So much better and Skinnier!
Mistake #2: Stove-pipe Arms. Really people, just say no. Again, how many of us have a jacket we like, but there is just something “wrong” with it. We feel “big” but the jacket body fits. Perhaps it is the sleeve. Put on the jacket and head to the mirror. Hmmm. Is there extra sleeve space? Could a squirrel happily run around your arm from top to bottom within the confines of that sleeve? Take a portion of the sleeve and pull it back to see what a difference a slimmer sleeve makes. Nice. Slimmer sleeves present a slimmer you. Amazing, isn’t it? I know that many of you don’t sew and taking in a sleeve might present a problem. If you like the jacket – have it altered. Taking in a sleeve is not that expensive and your improved appearance will be worth it.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Admittedly, there are some women who just look great in absolutely everything. But, that is not the majority (read: me and probably you). I have so many gals tell me, “I just don’t know what to wear that looks good”. Usually, this is followed by tales of woe about their figure flaws. Piddle-posh. EVERYONE can look great. I promise. There are just a few rules that lowly non-perfect people like us need to follow (okay, some need to follow a few extra rules). But there are indeed some standard rules that apply to everybody.
Let’s take that jacket for instance. People typically worry a lot about the fit on the body. They forget about those sleeves. They suppose that if they don’t have upper arm restriction, things are fine. Not quite. In the 80’s, jacket sleeves took on a life of their own with shoulder pads the size of line-backer padding and sleeves comfy enough to roll from the cuff to the armpit. When we look back at those jackets they are face-squashing ugly. We wouldn’t repeat that boo-boo now that we have photos to prove how awful they were. So, we make new mistakes.
Mistake #1: The Box. I don’t know a single (or married) woman, who Wants to look like a box. However, if you take a perfectly acceptable jacket that has little or no tapering and the sleeves are the same length as the jacket – you get a big fat box. Chances are you own such a jacket. Why? Because designers continue to make them. But you do not have to be a square! There is an easy fix to this dilemma. Roll the cuff of the sleeves. You don’t have to make a drastic roll, but get the cuff of the sleeves away from the hem of the jacket. Voila! So much better and Skinnier!
Mistake #2: Stove-pipe Arms. Really people, just say no. Again, how many of us have a jacket we like, but there is just something “wrong” with it. We feel “big” but the jacket body fits. Perhaps it is the sleeve. Put on the jacket and head to the mirror. Hmmm. Is there extra sleeve space? Could a squirrel happily run around your arm from top to bottom within the confines of that sleeve? Take a portion of the sleeve and pull it back to see what a difference a slimmer sleeve makes. Nice. Slimmer sleeves present a slimmer you. Amazing, isn’t it? I know that many of you don’t sew and taking in a sleeve might present a problem. If you like the jacket – have it altered. Taking in a sleeve is not that expensive and your improved appearance will be worth it.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
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