Why is it that women are not quite satisfied with where they are physically? “I need to lose weight / I wish I were taller / I’m too tall for things to fit / My belly pooches out / My legs are too short / My boobs are too big…” Today we will talk about those legs.
There is a fine line between seriously bad legs and truly great legs. That line is at the fattest part of your calf.
Several years ago, a sweet relative noted, “You have really good legs – for someone your age.” We will completely ignore that last bit, and concentrate on the ‘Really good legs’ part. Actually, they are pretty decent looking – I personally had nothing to do with it – they are my grandmother’s Native American Indian legs. However, I could do them a serious injustice if I chose to ignore one of the Basic Rules I referred to last week.
Take any set of legs attached to any woman, and put an article of clothing on them that stops at the fattest part of their calf and you will have effectively added a good 7 – 10 pounds to their appearance. Yuck. (This should be said with an icky face.) Wasn’t losing weight one of those “issues” mentioned earlier? Why on earth would you purposely look heavier when you can prevent it? It isn’t completely your fault (because you buy what is available) but if you own a mirror, then you can take at least part of the blame.
The biggest violators? Capri pants. You look at yourself from the front or turn and look at your rump and think, “these are great!” But the rest of the world gets a full view of you from head to toe and thinks something a bit different. Weren’t you taller last week? Did you eat too many donuts? When did you get cankles? When the chubbiest part of your leg is bi-sected, you definitely look stumpy. Stumpy! Not a word you want used to describe any part of you.
What to do, what to do? Simple. Fold the cuff of the capri up one or two hem lengths. Stitch, iron, or fabric glue in place. Move that cuff so you can see the beginning curve of your calf. If you prefer, add a bit of lace (Not ruffle) to the hem and make the capri a bit longer to show the sleekness of your lower leg. Whatever you do – adjust that cuff line. Did you say you owned a mirror? Well then, claim your cuff-line mistake and make the correction. It will make you taller and thinner instantly….without sacrificing that whipped-cream-covered-chocolate-and-raspberry-filled-confection on the menu. Yes, indeed, you are more amazing by the minute.
That is why The Closet Fairy is here – to make you look amazing. Each week we will focus on something different. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to see a specific area addressed.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
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