Let's Reveal A Better You!
Let's Reveal A Better You!
Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.
Every day you make an impression on those around you. It should be fabulous. We can make that happen.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
12.26.12 - Today's outfit cost $17.00 (Jacket, Top, Skirt & Shoes)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
12.19.12 Today's outfit Cost $12.00 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
This deep plum top is actually a 'sport' top by Miss Sixty, but it doesn't look like a sport top (I cut off the logo) - $3; the black & white print skirt is by Monte - $3; and the eggplant Nine West heels were $6. I use a lot of black & white print skirts with solid color tops. You can always look pulled together with very little effort.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
12.18.12 - Today's Outfit Cost $19.00 (Dress & Shoes)
Keeping it simple today: The navy dotted dress by American Eagle was $6 at Angelic Resale in Conroe; the Candies heels were $13 at Kohl's. Simple can still look nice - just kick the color with the heels.
Monday, December 17, 2012
12.17.12 - Total Outfit Cost $9.00 (Top, Shirt & skirt)
This aqua top with black lace midriff is by Three Pint Hearts - purchased for $2.92 at Family Thrift in Dallas; it is 'winter' so I wore the short sleeved top over the ID Entity by Lord & Taylor long sleeved mock turtleneck, which is one of the best black tops I own - it has enough spandex to hold its shape and it feels wonderful - $3.00 at ALMC; the Norton McNaughton sheer maxi skirt was $3.00 at Angelic Resale in Conroe; the aqua snakeskin print shoes by Nine West are pretty old - I bought them at a Nine West outlet.
Friday, December 14, 2012
12.13.12. Total Outfit Cost $ 9.00 (Twinset & Skirt)
I know it is winter, but this was just too happy not to wear. This pink Ann Taylor twinset was $2.92 at Family Thrift in Dallas; the JFP fully embroidered skirt was $6 from Mo.Co Women's Center Thrift in The Woodlands; the Unlisted shoes have been seen before. I chose to wear blue jewelry which complimented the blue embroidery in the skirt.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
It is a Very "White Christmas"
Have you missed me? For the past 45+ days I have been designing costumes for a "White Christmas" musical production by the Crighton Players at the Owen Theatre in Conroe, TX. This was a 25-member cast that performed four large 'show' numbers on top of their character acting. I spent 11 days in a row with only 3 1/2 - 4 hours of sleep per night, while mostly living my life at the Theatre, designing, cutting, sewing - re-designing, budgeting, etc. Eating was not on the list - nor was hygiene (we will not go into that now - suffice it to say that I really appreciate deodorant and body spray, or air freshener, whichever is handy). It gets worse - I actually went to work one day in my housecoat and socks. I was too exhausted to think or move and just grabbed an armload of clothes and threw them into the back of my car - at least I had the where-withal to grab some clothes. (btw - at no point during my barely conscious maneuvering did I look know, once I got dressed!)
In spite of the fact that I was obviously functioning on a Solitary Operational Brain Cell, the production is simply stunning, if I do say so myself. (And the great reviews echo that.) The cast has managed to show off my costumes as if they were the star of the show. In all - over 250 costumes! It is pretty sight to watch as my costumes dance all over the stage.
Guess how much the effect of good costuming has on a theater production? A LOT. You might have a great show, but if your costuming is bad, people notice - and it detracts exponentially from your show. Great costuming can elevate your show - the actors feel better and respond in kind.
Guess how much the effect of good dressing has on You? MORE than a lot. First, you know you are not dressed well and your attitude will match. Then - other people know you are not dressed well - and it detracts exponentially from your impression on them. You are the star of your own show. No one else. Don't settle for less than you are worth. Don't allow poor dressing to ruin your reviews. Put yourself in the center of your stage and dress accordingly. Don't stand in the wings because you just are not dressed like a star. BE THE STAR OF YOUR LIFE.
If you need help putting yourself on your main stage - give me a jingle - that is what the Closet Fairy is here for - we can put you front and center. (And ALWAYS have a fabulous housecoat!)
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
In spite of the fact that I was obviously functioning on a Solitary Operational Brain Cell, the production is simply stunning, if I do say so myself. (And the great reviews echo that.) The cast has managed to show off my costumes as if they were the star of the show. In all - over 250 costumes! It is pretty sight to watch as my costumes dance all over the stage.
Guess how much the effect of good costuming has on a theater production? A LOT. You might have a great show, but if your costuming is bad, people notice - and it detracts exponentially from your show. Great costuming can elevate your show - the actors feel better and respond in kind.
Guess how much the effect of good dressing has on You? MORE than a lot. First, you know you are not dressed well and your attitude will match. Then - other people know you are not dressed well - and it detracts exponentially from your impression on them. You are the star of your own show. No one else. Don't settle for less than you are worth. Don't allow poor dressing to ruin your reviews. Put yourself in the center of your stage and dress accordingly. Don't stand in the wings because you just are not dressed like a star. BE THE STAR OF YOUR LIFE.
If you need help putting yourself on your main stage - give me a jingle - that is what the Closet Fairy is here for - we can put you front and center. (And ALWAYS have a fabulous housecoat!)
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Friday, November 2, 2012
11/1/12 - Today's outfit total $26 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
This skirt is made to look like a thousand ribbons sewn together. I have had it for around 15 years. It was $5 at Family Thrift in Dallas; The top is older as well and I probably spent about $10 at a real store (I would love to have this top in every color of the rainbow!) These Candies shoes were $11 at Kohl's.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
10/31/12 - Harley outfit
Okay - we won't discuss any cost associated with this. It is all official Harley gear (except the lace skirt). I have it because my husband paid for it all! Yes, those are fishnet hose with it (I had three people inquire about those hose).
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Today's outfit cost $12 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
This vintage beige pleated skirt is by Perry. I got it for $2 at ALMC. The plum metallic top is New York & Co purchased for $4 also at ALMC. The patent and suede purple shoes are by Gianni Bini $6 at Goodwill (they are so shiny!) I decided this outfit needed a brooch, but two small ones looked better (one in beige and one in purple).
Monday, October 29, 2012
Today's Outfit Cost $9 (Top & Skirt)
Let your Western pride show. People seem to go nuts over this top. It is by Michelle Simon and embroidered with thousands of beads and sequins (mostly turquoise beads of every size and shape). I bought it many years ago for about $5 at Family Thrift in Dallas; (since it is 36 degrees here, I put a Banana Republic gray button down under it); the turquoise broomstick skirt is by Sarah Arizona and was $4 at Family Thrift. These suede Vis-a-vie shoes you have seen before.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Total outfit cost $7.20 (Top and Skirt)
This black Ann Taylor skirt has staggered flat layers - $4.20 at Barbara's Resale in Conroe; the J. Chaus mod patterned top was $3; you have seen these great Antonio Melani magenta and black heels before.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Today's outfit total: $24 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
This is definitely looking like fall now (well, it is October - but 84 degrees today). The extra soft gray sweater by Express International was $3 and the Ann Taylor Loft wine colored skirt (which is actually too big, so I just let it sit on my hips) was also $3 - both at Angelic Resale in Conroe. These pewter Madden Girl heels were $18 (you saw them back in June).
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Today's outfit cost $16.60 (Jacket, Dress & Shoes)
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
10/16/12 - No idea about cost - all old pieces!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Total outfit cost $13.60 (Jumper & Heels)
This little jumper is by White House/Black Market and purchased at Designers 2nd Debut in Conroe for $8.00; (you can see that I do actually own some low-heeled shoes) these Nine West kitten heeled shoes were $5.60 at Goodwill. The camel colored turtleneck was purchased at H&M in NY. The jumper would look too short if I didn't wear tights, so I chose a patterned tight that is actually black and camel (in person it really pulls the whole outfit together).
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Total Outfit Cost $34. (Jacket, Skirt & Heels)
I love, love this Odille olive and brown print skirt. It is beautiful in person - textured with a bit of brown lace peeking at the hem. Odille is a brand carried at Anthropologie, but I purchased it new, with tags at Upscale Resale in The Woodlands for $17! You have seen these cutie shoes by Limelight before, and the taupe jacket goes great with everything.
Friday, October 5, 2012
10/5/12 - Today's outfit total $23 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
The navy outfit today is certainly comfortable (all stretch!) The top is
by Chaus - $3; the skirt is Chico's - $3; the navy snake heels are by
Vera Wang - $17 at Kohl's.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Pet Peeves and Fashion Books
Pet peeves. I got 'em. How about you? Recently I was ill and in my fits of discomfort, my pet peeves floated to the surface of my mind and would not be quelled. So - let's just talk about them. Of course for the sake of time and space, let's just talk about three Fashion ones. The following is not just my assessment - people tell me all of the time about what irks them about fashion failures. They are always the same. Always. This is not a surprise, so why do folks continue to become a walking fashion bomb?
* Your underwear. I don't want to see it. I don't need to know anything about your upper undies or your lower undies. Nothing at all. I don't need to be able to see through your clothing that is either too sheer or too tight, to determine the color/shape/lace coverage or cup size of your foundation wear. If you are not an actual season named Spring, I don't need to see anything on you "bustin' out all over". I don't need to have my eyeballs visually assaulted with your thong (and thereby your upper haunches) floating above your jeans. It is all tacky, tasteless, cheap looking (oh, you get the idea). I don't need to see any part of your posterior emblazoned with some tattoo that was put on an area that 'wouldn't show' that suddenly is out there for for the world's viewing displeasure. Keep your private wear private. Why? Because "I" means the rest of the world - including your boss, your in-laws and your pastor.
* Clown makeup. Let's look at that phrase: CLOWN makeup. As you age, like it or not, your face changes (okay most definitely Not like it). That means that the foundation, powder, mascara, eye liner, lipstick and eye shadow that might have looked so cute and fab on you in your younger days - just doesn't any more. However, it appears that our eyesight cruelly fails us as well, and many gals continue to plaster on what used to work. If you refuse to purchase a good makeup light and put on some correct prescription glasses - you could end up looking like Chucky, the Joker, a character from Death Becomes Her or any number of villainous creatures that terrify small children and people with good sense. I personally know several women of age who fall into this category. The makeup is caked so thick, their clothing necklines are completely orange with residue and it is mighty hard to look seriously into their eyes instead of simply staring at the mess they have made of their face. How could their bare-naked face look worse than the slathered train wreck of badly applied incorrect makeup? Ladies - grab an honest friend with good eyesight and integrity, gather your self respect about you, and sit with them in front of a well-lighted mirror and ask for their honest opinion regarding your makeup application. You may find that you also need a giant box of wet-wipes. It may very well be time to head to a professional for an update/upgrade about your face. I am not talking about a scalpel here, just the actual face you were born with. You will find that less is always better.
* Super skinny models. We (as real people) will never look the way a model does as she walks down the runway. Goodness knows we can't possibly walk the way they do (it even looks painful). But they have had the clothing sewn specifically to their measurements and perhaps they were even sewn into the garment prior to the catwalk. I truly want to see healthy looking gals with real figures so I have a clue what the outfit might look like on me. (I wanted to use a lot of exclamation points, but I have refrained since I am no longer sick). I am not 5'10" and I have been told I have 'birthing hips' - I need to see a real representation of me out there working that landing strip.
Book Reviews:
I read. A lot. I currently have 10 books beside me and about 50 magazines with arms reach. But, we will just talk about the Fashion ones for now. If you have read this blog before, you are well aware that I believe in saving money. That applies to every facet of my life. Therefore, I utilize the library almost as much as the grocery store. Feed your brain - it is important. That said, I end up looking at a lot of junk books. I do a lot of research when I am costuming a play so I wade through plenty of old and new books on almost every facet of fashion. Since I have done some of the leg work (or eye work) for you, here are a few Recommended and Not Recommended fashion books.
Thumbs Up: These are helpful books:
How to Never Look Fat Again: over 1000 ways to dress thinner without dieting. by Charla Krupp
This book uses Charla as a model in a lot of the photos. She is a real sized person. She is not tall or model thin. She has bumps and boobs. For someone who bemoans that they just don't know what to do, she shows side by side pictures of herself wearing 'fat' and 'skinny' outfits. She gives sensible advice to real women. She does not suggest that you buy expensive garments (this is not a fashion magazine) or throw out your whole wardrobe - she just shows you which outfit is better than others and why. Most of her points are accurate.
What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style. by Jessica Quirk
This book shows hand drawn outfits (very nicely done) and individual pieces that you might personally have on hand. For those folks who moan "I don't know how to put anything together" she shows you a years worth of smart pieces that even the most fashion challenged could copy. Do you have a dark blue skirt? She shows you how to put it together with a denim shirt, or a blue flowered cami over a white tank, or with a scoop neck t-shirt and a multi-patterned sweater. Chances are you do have a denim shirt, flowered cami, white tank, white t-shirt and patterned sweater. Pretend you are a paper doll and follow her instructions. I don't think she chose wisely with her own photos since the drawn clothing she obviously owns were cuter than what she picked for the cover - but go with what is Inside the covers. Just follow the instructions.
Harper's Bazaar: Great Style. by Jenny Levin
Alright, this book is a Fashion Book. But it is a smart one. Yes, only famous people are in it, but it is not trying to sell you the outfits they are wearing. In fact, the designer/brands are not listed at all. It has great photos and then smart tips on how to follow some rules about how you might create the same look or feel. That is the best kind of 'look book'. You are not pressured to feel you must have the exact article of clothing draped on their body.
Thumbs Down: Not Helpful At All:
Tim Gunn: A guide to quality, taste, and style. by Tim Gunn
I like Tim Gunn. Who doesn't? I didn't want to put him on this part of the list. He has written several books, but this one just doesn't cut it. His constant references to socialites and insider fashion names that mean nothing to non-New Yorker's is frustrating. It was also apparent that his vocabulary would send many to their nearby dictionary app for clarification. I found too many of his inspiration fashion plates to be unfashionable. For real help, look elsewhere. (But, I am optimistic about his other books - we will see).
Fierce Style: How to be your most fabulous self. by Christian Siriano
We all know he won his season of Project Runway. He needed more help with this rambling mess of a book. There are more pictures of Christian glancing sideways at the camera with a duck lip pose, than there are of clothing, people, hints or anything. This appears to be some sort of biography that jumps all over the place, but ultimately lands squarely back with Christian and the overly used phrase "hot tranny mess" in all of its juxtapositions. The whole book is just a useless hot tranny mess.
Big City Look: how to achieve that metropolitan chic-no matter where you live. by Vincent Roppatte
Oh my gracious!! Just don't even open this up. What a waste of time and paper.
The Closet Fairy is here to help you be fabulous every day. You are worth it.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me.
* Your underwear. I don't want to see it. I don't need to know anything about your upper undies or your lower undies. Nothing at all. I don't need to be able to see through your clothing that is either too sheer or too tight, to determine the color/shape/lace coverage or cup size of your foundation wear. If you are not an actual season named Spring, I don't need to see anything on you "bustin' out all over". I don't need to have my eyeballs visually assaulted with your thong (and thereby your upper haunches) floating above your jeans. It is all tacky, tasteless, cheap looking (oh, you get the idea). I don't need to see any part of your posterior emblazoned with some tattoo that was put on an area that 'wouldn't show' that suddenly is out there for for the world's viewing displeasure. Keep your private wear private. Why? Because "I" means the rest of the world - including your boss, your in-laws and your pastor.
* Clown makeup. Let's look at that phrase: CLOWN makeup. As you age, like it or not, your face changes (okay most definitely Not like it). That means that the foundation, powder, mascara, eye liner, lipstick and eye shadow that might have looked so cute and fab on you in your younger days - just doesn't any more. However, it appears that our eyesight cruelly fails us as well, and many gals continue to plaster on what used to work. If you refuse to purchase a good makeup light and put on some correct prescription glasses - you could end up looking like Chucky, the Joker, a character from Death Becomes Her or any number of villainous creatures that terrify small children and people with good sense. I personally know several women of age who fall into this category. The makeup is caked so thick, their clothing necklines are completely orange with residue and it is mighty hard to look seriously into their eyes instead of simply staring at the mess they have made of their face. How could their bare-naked face look worse than the slathered train wreck of badly applied incorrect makeup? Ladies - grab an honest friend with good eyesight and integrity, gather your self respect about you, and sit with them in front of a well-lighted mirror and ask for their honest opinion regarding your makeup application. You may find that you also need a giant box of wet-wipes. It may very well be time to head to a professional for an update/upgrade about your face. I am not talking about a scalpel here, just the actual face you were born with. You will find that less is always better.
* Super skinny models. We (as real people) will never look the way a model does as she walks down the runway. Goodness knows we can't possibly walk the way they do (it even looks painful). But they have had the clothing sewn specifically to their measurements and perhaps they were even sewn into the garment prior to the catwalk. I truly want to see healthy looking gals with real figures so I have a clue what the outfit might look like on me. (I wanted to use a lot of exclamation points, but I have refrained since I am no longer sick). I am not 5'10" and I have been told I have 'birthing hips' - I need to see a real representation of me out there working that landing strip.
Book Reviews:
I read. A lot. I currently have 10 books beside me and about 50 magazines with arms reach. But, we will just talk about the Fashion ones for now. If you have read this blog before, you are well aware that I believe in saving money. That applies to every facet of my life. Therefore, I utilize the library almost as much as the grocery store. Feed your brain - it is important. That said, I end up looking at a lot of junk books. I do a lot of research when I am costuming a play so I wade through plenty of old and new books on almost every facet of fashion. Since I have done some of the leg work (or eye work) for you, here are a few Recommended and Not Recommended fashion books.
Thumbs Up: These are helpful books:
How to Never Look Fat Again: over 1000 ways to dress thinner without dieting. by Charla Krupp
This book uses Charla as a model in a lot of the photos. She is a real sized person. She is not tall or model thin. She has bumps and boobs. For someone who bemoans that they just don't know what to do, she shows side by side pictures of herself wearing 'fat' and 'skinny' outfits. She gives sensible advice to real women. She does not suggest that you buy expensive garments (this is not a fashion magazine) or throw out your whole wardrobe - she just shows you which outfit is better than others and why. Most of her points are accurate.
What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style. by Jessica Quirk
This book shows hand drawn outfits (very nicely done) and individual pieces that you might personally have on hand. For those folks who moan "I don't know how to put anything together" she shows you a years worth of smart pieces that even the most fashion challenged could copy. Do you have a dark blue skirt? She shows you how to put it together with a denim shirt, or a blue flowered cami over a white tank, or with a scoop neck t-shirt and a multi-patterned sweater. Chances are you do have a denim shirt, flowered cami, white tank, white t-shirt and patterned sweater. Pretend you are a paper doll and follow her instructions. I don't think she chose wisely with her own photos since the drawn clothing she obviously owns were cuter than what she picked for the cover - but go with what is Inside the covers. Just follow the instructions.
Harper's Bazaar: Great Style. by Jenny Levin
Alright, this book is a Fashion Book. But it is a smart one. Yes, only famous people are in it, but it is not trying to sell you the outfits they are wearing. In fact, the designer/brands are not listed at all. It has great photos and then smart tips on how to follow some rules about how you might create the same look or feel. That is the best kind of 'look book'. You are not pressured to feel you must have the exact article of clothing draped on their body.
Thumbs Down: Not Helpful At All:
Tim Gunn: A guide to quality, taste, and style. by Tim Gunn
I like Tim Gunn. Who doesn't? I didn't want to put him on this part of the list. He has written several books, but this one just doesn't cut it. His constant references to socialites and insider fashion names that mean nothing to non-New Yorker's is frustrating. It was also apparent that his vocabulary would send many to their nearby dictionary app for clarification. I found too many of his inspiration fashion plates to be unfashionable. For real help, look elsewhere. (But, I am optimistic about his other books - we will see).
Fierce Style: How to be your most fabulous self. by Christian Siriano
We all know he won his season of Project Runway. He needed more help with this rambling mess of a book. There are more pictures of Christian glancing sideways at the camera with a duck lip pose, than there are of clothing, people, hints or anything. This appears to be some sort of biography that jumps all over the place, but ultimately lands squarely back with Christian and the overly used phrase "hot tranny mess" in all of its juxtapositions. The whole book is just a useless hot tranny mess.
Big City Look: how to achieve that metropolitan chic-no matter where you live. by Vincent Roppatte
Oh my gracious!! Just don't even open this up. What a waste of time and paper.
The Closet Fairy is here to help you be fabulous every day. You are worth it.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
9/25/12 - Total outfit cost $8 (Jacket, Top & Skirt) $26 if you include the heels!
This taupe and aqua outfit is not boring. The aqua floral skirt was $2 at ALMC in Conroe (it was handmade); the aqua top has macrame detailing (remember when that was popular?) it is nice here and has beading at the ends which prohibits the need for a necklace - $2 at ALMC; the taupe jacket could be really blah if it weren't for the pop of aqua color, it was $4 at Angelic Resale in Conroe; you've seen these pewter Madden Girl heels before ($18). Too many details don't show up in the photos: there is a cowhide cheetah print belt here which looked nice separating the top and skirt, and rivets on the front jacket panel create a nice detail.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
9/21/12 - Today's outfit cost $35 (Top, Sweater, Skirt & Shoes)
Yes - I wear lace skirts to work. I have no problem 'over-dressing' and neither should you. The black sweater has a layered ruffled collar that you can't see in the photo - H & M in NY for $25; the melon top is by Cache' - $3 at Angelic Resale; black lace skirt is by Bila - $3 (thrift store); and the black suede scalloped shoes with the neat heel are by Vis-a-vie - $4 at Family Thrift in Dallas.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Nasty Bathroom Scales
My bathroom scales were old. Seriously old. They lacked any new technology whatsoever. They were 'rotary phone' scales that you manually adjusted with a dial on the bottom to get them back to zero. They were not accurate. I know they weren't. But, you live with something for years and you just get attached to it, or at least accustomed to it's idiosyncrasies. After my last doctor visit where they made me step on the scales (which would somehow determine if I had poison ivy or not) I decided I probably should get some scales that might tell me the truth. I very clearly made the nurse aware that their scales were 8 pounds off! 8 pounds! (Insert sad face here)
I put 'scales' on my To Do list and went on a search. All scales now are digital - not rotary dial. Fortunately for me, none of the scales in the stores had their batteries inserted so I was not subjected to the humiliation of seeing 8 extra pounds on the readout - and possibly any passerby viewing it as well. I also wisely chose Not to get a scale that displays your Body Fat in 2" numbers for perusal. I already know the end result would be an unusable scale suffering from hammer damage. Still haven't gotten on the scale - but my hubby did. Then he took 7 pounds of items off of his person (he is one of Those people who carry no less than 50 keys on him at any given time because he NEEDS them all right now) and re-weighed himself. I didn't hear a shriek from the bathroom, so I am going to guess that the scales are within acceptable proximity to correct.
That is one of the differences between men and women. A Big difference really. We look in the mirror and see Jabba-the-Hut looking back at us no matter what our size. A man looks in the mirror and sees Mr. Universe in his reflection - no matter the pot belly. Why on earth is that? Well, part of it is fashion, part is tradition, part of it is (you are Not going to believe this) the government. It is just part of history that sprang forth during and after World War II. We won't discuss it now (Whew!). But it is a fact, none the less, that women are hyper-critical of themselves and their figure. Some gals rebel with the "Well, since I can't look good, I just don't care what I look like!" (Defiance) Some gals try to remedy their situation with "I can lose weight!" and promptly try every unhealthy diet they read or hear about. (Overcompensation) While some gals accept what they have and work with it. (Smart)
You're smart, aren't you? I know you are. There is no body issue that can't be camouflaged or visually re-directed. Some things can actually be re-directed with the use of accessories. Get a great 'statement' necklace (advertisers really like to use that word: statement) or an amazing brooch. Brooches do not have to be old and fuddy-duddy. I have had young, male, grocery-sackers tell me a brooch was really pretty. You need to know EVERY DAY that when you leave the house, you are wearing something great. Something that can take your mind off of whatever body issue you are traumatizing over. Yes, you are traumatizing. That is why you mumble to yourself when you get dressed. Stop it! I have said before that you may have extra hips, thighs, arm jiggle, whatever - dress what you have. Don't squeeze yourself like a pork sausage. Put on something that Fits and then add something marvelous to complete yourself (then add the most marvelous thing - your smile). I promise - the smile is just the cherry on top. It does not matter what a digital readout says (thank goodness it isn't audible!) - it matters what you DO with yourself when you step off of those nasty scales. Do great things with yourself. Let the Closet Fairy help.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
I put 'scales' on my To Do list and went on a search. All scales now are digital - not rotary dial. Fortunately for me, none of the scales in the stores had their batteries inserted so I was not subjected to the humiliation of seeing 8 extra pounds on the readout - and possibly any passerby viewing it as well. I also wisely chose Not to get a scale that displays your Body Fat in 2" numbers for perusal. I already know the end result would be an unusable scale suffering from hammer damage. Still haven't gotten on the scale - but my hubby did. Then he took 7 pounds of items off of his person (he is one of Those people who carry no less than 50 keys on him at any given time because he NEEDS them all right now) and re-weighed himself. I didn't hear a shriek from the bathroom, so I am going to guess that the scales are within acceptable proximity to correct.
That is one of the differences between men and women. A Big difference really. We look in the mirror and see Jabba-the-Hut looking back at us no matter what our size. A man looks in the mirror and sees Mr. Universe in his reflection - no matter the pot belly. Why on earth is that? Well, part of it is fashion, part is tradition, part of it is (you are Not going to believe this) the government. It is just part of history that sprang forth during and after World War II. We won't discuss it now (Whew!). But it is a fact, none the less, that women are hyper-critical of themselves and their figure. Some gals rebel with the "Well, since I can't look good, I just don't care what I look like!" (Defiance) Some gals try to remedy their situation with "I can lose weight!" and promptly try every unhealthy diet they read or hear about. (Overcompensation) While some gals accept what they have and work with it. (Smart)
You're smart, aren't you? I know you are. There is no body issue that can't be camouflaged or visually re-directed. Some things can actually be re-directed with the use of accessories. Get a great 'statement' necklace (advertisers really like to use that word: statement) or an amazing brooch. Brooches do not have to be old and fuddy-duddy. I have had young, male, grocery-sackers tell me a brooch was really pretty. You need to know EVERY DAY that when you leave the house, you are wearing something great. Something that can take your mind off of whatever body issue you are traumatizing over. Yes, you are traumatizing. That is why you mumble to yourself when you get dressed. Stop it! I have said before that you may have extra hips, thighs, arm jiggle, whatever - dress what you have. Don't squeeze yourself like a pork sausage. Put on something that Fits and then add something marvelous to complete yourself (then add the most marvelous thing - your smile). I promise - the smile is just the cherry on top. It does not matter what a digital readout says (thank goodness it isn't audible!) - it matters what you DO with yourself when you step off of those nasty scales. Do great things with yourself. Let the Closet Fairy help.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Today's outfit cost $23.11 (Top, Skirt & Shoes)
Look at those heels! These cranberry and orange shoes by Apt.9 were $11.20 at Kohl's; the cranberry, textured top is by Chico's - $1.91 at Family Thrift in Dallas; the taupe lightweight tulle skirt is by Nicole Miller - $10 at JC Penney. This outfit is comfy - stretchy - and dressy all at once.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
9/18/12 - Today's outfit cost $41 (Suit, Top & Shoes)

Friday, September 14, 2012
I Have a Lawnmower Foot. Do You?
I have a 'lawnmower' foot. What? You heard me. I have a 'lawnmower' foot. For those who know me, they are aware that years ago I had an accident. I am sure you can probably guess what it involved. It was traumatic and astonishing - for me. For those of you who don't know the story, it really does bear repeating:
On Friday, August 23, 2002 (yes, I remember the exact day) I was mowing the yard with our lawn tractor in the evening. We live in the country and for whatever reason, the yard had managed to grow to extreme excess. Our yard suffers from some ugly, wild weeds that will grow 6-8" a day in height. The yard was so completely covered in these weeds that the lawn tractor would only go forward about 10 feet and then the weeds would strangle the blades and the tractor would die. I would have to get off of the tractor, pull weeds from the side of the tractor deck, get back on the tractor and restart the thing (this required de-activating the blades, lifting the deck with a handle that was very difficult for me to move, placing the tractor back in neutral, adjusting the choke, blah, blah, blah - it took a bit). Our yard is fairly large and the sun was setting fast; I only had a small patch of yard to finish and the tractor had died for the umpteenth time. I really needed to get that yard finished while I could still see and I had reached a point of increasing irritation with the dying mower. This time, rather than get off of the mower when it died, I just reached down with my foot to kick the weeds loose (they were sticking out from under the deck). However, to my horror, as I kicked the weeds the mower blades sucked my foot under the deck - it had not actually died and as soon as the weeds were kicked loose, the blades flew into motion. There was a truly horrible sound that I cannot fathom how to spell out on a keyboard. Then in a gymnastics feat that I could not possibly duplicate again, I held my foot in the air directly in front of my face. My canvas tennis shoe was in tatters and I could not see my toes!
I mentally calculated that I had about 20 seconds before my brain realized what I had done to myself and the pain would hit me. I jumped off of the mower and began hopping to the house (I believe that I would have qualified for the Olympics in hopping). As I reached the door, it flew open and my oldest daughter, Andrea, asked, "Are you okay - I heard you screaming!" Screaming? I had no idea I was screaming. "I think I cut my toes off. Come to the bathroom with me and we are going to pray for my foot." Yes, that is what I was going to do. To my youngest daughter, "Call your Dad (he was working 30 miles away) and get me four Tylenol. NOW!" As I sat down on the side of the bathtub, my 20 seconds were up and the world within my body exploded. Oh my gracious! If I had been a cartoon character, you would have seen lightning bolts shoot out of every hair follicle on my head! The pain was astonishing and sharp. Every few seconds I emitted involuntary shrieks that I could not suppress. I turned my body toward the faucets in the bathtub, knowing that I needed to try to take off the shoe and view the carnage. I still could not see my toes. I remember exactly what I prayed in the most sincere and earnest prayer that could come from my lips, "Lord, please let me keep my toes. But if You don't, thank you for letting me have them as long as You did." I meant every teary word. I really wanted to keep my toes, but if I didn't get to, I was so thankful that I was able to have them for so many years. My Grandad had to have several of his toes amputated and I knew so many people, who had lost fingers in accidents. They all managed to function, and so would I. As I gingerly slipped the shredded shoe off of my foot - I was more than excited to see all five of my toes! The big toe was completely black, the other toes were various colors as well (mind you - it had only been about 45 seconds at this point), but they were all still attached to my foot. I truly did a lot of thankful praying at that point.
The emergency room doctor held my foot in his hand and asked, "Do you KNOW how lucky you are?" I said, "I know how Blessed I am". My big toe was broken, and my foot was slightly re-arranged. I had to wear one very ugly shoe for several months. I am the only one I have every heard of who has a good lawnmower horror story. You can look at my feet in all of the shoe pictures and see the little miracle I received.

Do You have a 'lawnmower' foot? I really do believe that everyone has something amazing that has happened to them, and that needs retelling. I am thankful Every Single Day that I have both feet intact so that I can walk unhindered and wear lovely shoes. I want that feeling of thankfulness for everyone.
Tell me your story. Ultimately, that is what the Closet Fairy is here for - to make you the most fabulous that you can be. It starts with you, your heart, your story.
God bless you richly. I know that He has blessed me!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
9/13/12 - Today's outfit cost $26.60 (Dress, Jacket, Shoes, Necklace & Belt!)
That's right folks - Everything for $26.60. The dress is a slinky tank dress - $4 (you can find these at almost every thrift store); I paired it with a great, dark teal, ultra-suede embroidered jacket by DressBarn - $4 at Angelic Resale in Conroe; look at those heels! They are black patent leather and Lucite by BisouBisou - $9 at Angelic Resale; the large lavender stoned necklace by Croft & Barrow - $5.60 at Kohl's; the dress needed to be loosely cinched, so I added the metal belt - $4 at ALMC in Conroe.
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